Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Coca-Cola and Pepsi contains alcohol - كوكا كولا وبيبسي تحتوي على كحول

Coca-Cola and Pepsi contains alcohol as low as 10mg per litre and you still think it's Halal.
10 mg drugs is high enough to cure many diseases, so definitely 10 mg alcohol is not halal.

The popular UK Daily TheSun article says Paris Mosque has approved it, I feel it's a total lie.

كوكا كولا وبيبسي تحتوي على كحول منخفضة تصل إلى 10 ملغم للتر الواحد، وكنت ما زلت أعتقد انها الحلال

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fresh shining apple may lead to cancer

Fresh looking shining apples are wax coated and may be couple of month's old stored in cold storage can lead to liver cancer.

Few guidelines are set by food authority to use bee wax or wax obtained from vegetable oils only and not the one obtained from petroleum products or chemical sprays,  obviously for health reasons.

So next time you eat follow the steps before you eat.

1) Peel the skin of apple before you eat or
2) Keep the apple in lukewarm water for few minutes and rub it off with some clean cotton cloth.
3) Eating with wax may lead to liver damage with in a couple of days or may take months when you eat regularly depends on you resistance power.

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